Vertical Vacuuming And Packaging Machines
Vertical Palm Vacuuming And Packaging Machines
Dates contain 15.6 mg of beta-carotene, which is a type of vitamin A in the gut that turns into retinal. Although this vitamin tour is not known to the public, it is one of the most valuable and necessary vitamins that the body needs. A recent study found that long-term use of beta-carotene can provide preventative benefits for challenging diseases such as memory loss and elzheimer. For these reasons, everyone should consume dates of middle and advanced Age individuals. It has also been proven by scientists that Persimmon is a cancer preventer. If you ask why or how, palm fruit has a high percentage of fiber. There is about 18 grams of fiber in 100 grams of dates. It has been revealed that the risk of heart disease in the people of Arabia who consume palm food in large part is quite low compared to other countries. For this reason, the country has plenty of dates and poor nations have better health and body structure. In addition to these, palm fruit is also very rich in vitamin betacarotene. Many vitamins and minerals in the palm contain cancer prevention structure. So Turkey is a fruit that should be consumed more often.
Solution Ways To Use Our Machines
Dates are produced in Turkey in large quantities. Imports are also made from neighboring countries such as Iran and Iraq. After finishing the process with various machines, the dates are made ready to be eaten at our table from the markets to the shelves. Vertical Persimmon vacuuming and packing machines are preferred for persimmons to be resistant to our tables.
One of the companies producing these machines is our company ILAY Machine Food Foreign Trade Company Limited. For many years, we have been trying to compare the lives of the people who do the manufacturing and retail work by making the production of watch type machines. There are dozens of kinds of machines that we produce. The common feature of all of them is that they produce low energy and can be made from stainless steel element. We take part in the production of industrial type machines and we are proud to help our customers with your values.