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Horizontal Vacuum Packaging Machine Production

Horizontal Vacuum Packaging Machine Production

Horizontal vacuum packaging machine production is now often used especially in the food sector and makes our lives easier in every way. Vacuum packaging machines are large and small industrial machines that prepare all kinds of materials in a vacuum way and present them to our use today, from dry foods to liquid foods that we use in our daily lives. It is almost everyone’s acceptance that these industrial machines play a crucial role in making life easier. In addition, according to the law entered into force in our country, packaging must be made mandatory, since food can no longer be sold without packaging.

For What Purpose Is Horizontal Vacuum Packaging Machine Produced?

Horizontal vacuum packaging machine production is carried out with almost every product packaging capacity. State-of-the-art facilities are utilized during the production phase. When researching the production of vacuum packaging machines in the world market, you can observe that Turkey is in very good condition in this regard. Vacuum packaging is carried out in order to extend the shelf life of foods and maintain their freshness. The main purpose of the packaging is to drain the air inside the packaging and prevent damage to the food quickly. This is one of the most widely used methods to extend the life of food in almost all developed countries. With this method used in packaging, food remains healthier in a much easier way.

Place Of Horizontal Vacuum Packaging Machine Production In Industry

Packaging machines are mainly used in foods that should have a long shelf life. These are foods that can be easily damaged when not packed. Consumers now prefer packaged products such as dry food from grocery stores. They also never accept a degraded product that comes into contact with air. Our company, which acts in line with consumer preference, is aware that food must be delivered to the consumer after being beautifully packaged within the scope of horizontal vacuum packaging machine production. This must be done according to the instructions and laws of the Ministry of Agriculture. If we need to list some of these products; dairy products, nuts, bakery products, meat products, confectionery, dried fruits, chocolates, etc. in the form of the list lengthens. These products can be sorted as stored foods by vacuum packaging method. Maintaining both the freshness and shelf life of these foods is always a very important issue.

Vacuum packaging machines and types

Horizontal vacuum packaging machine production is one of the most widely produced among packaging machines. Vacuum Packers are divided among themselves according to their function. Each packaging machine operates in-house. Vertical type vacuum machine, horizontal type vacuum machine, gas protected chamber vacuum packaging machines, plate closure machines are the most widely used machines in the food sector. It is diversified according to its functions. These machines are usually manufactured using stainless steel. Our company can make its own model by making changes according to customer’s request. Horizontal vacuum packaging machine production is used in food packaging, and keep the shelf life, freshness of the product.


Not only for the food sector, vacuum packaging occupies a very important place in almost every sector today. The main material of packing machines is usually titanium and stainless steel. It can be easily used in all sectors and each company can produce its own model separately. Different specifications are added to the packaging machines every time and are offered for sale for our customers.